
Are financial aid questions keeping you up at night?

By now, you have already received a few financial aid offers from colleges. But each one of them is so different. If you are wondering:

  • How much will each college cost me?
  • What does it all mean anyway?
  • How am I supposed to compare colleges when the aid offers are so different?
  • How about more aid? Can I ask the college for more money?
  • What happens to my aid after the first year?
  • And how much debt should I take on?

If any of these questions keep you up at night, get this book. This book is the only financial aid guide you need to make sense of the college financial aid offers. Give this book 5 hours of your time, and you’ll learn everything you need to know about college financial aid, determine your out-of-pocket costs, compare colleges, and choose the college that is the best fit for you.

Get the first chapter for free.






So you are about ready to start the college selection process. As your teen is contemplating college, you will need to help them keep all the balls in the air a little longer: grades, classes, GPA, extracurriculars, sports, etc.

But what if that is not enough? What if your teen doing their best through high school is not enough to ensure college graduation? What if you could learn your teen’s probability to graduate college now and have that information guide the college selection process?


The problem we are confronting now is that only about 40% of the students enrolled in college will graduate 4-years later. While about 60% of the students graduate in 6-years, many never do. Getting stuck with considerable debt, no diploma, and dim prospects for repaying that debt can be intimidating.


So what if you had access to this information, had a way to understand it, and use it to guide the selection process? Now you can! The upcoming book  The Ultimate College Admissions Guide discusses this information and helps you determine your teen’s probability of graduating college in 4-years, almost debt-free.

Download the first chapter to learn how this book can help you navigate the college admissions process successfully.